April 27, 2019 - Arbor Day Tree Planting at Penn Valley Elementary

The PVCA has a long history of tree planting for environmental stewardship. A hardy group of Penn Valley residents and other volunteers honored Arbor Day with a special planting of three native trees on the campus of Penn Valley Elementary School. PVCA donated two gray birches (Betula populifolia) and one black gum (Nyssa sylvatica) along with deer-protective cages and a lot of elbow grease. Special thanks to Ward 3 and Penn Valley commissioner, Mike McKeon and his wife Jen and daughter Ava, as well as PVE teacher Joe Mudd, and Jen Kelly, Lars Pace, Julian and Gisella Pace, and Michelle Detwiler for their invaluable help and enthusiasm!

Mckeon and family on Arbor Day 2019.jpg